APAC Labs at the Conservation Laboratory of the Museum of Kykkos Monastery

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© APAC Detail of varnish removal (left), researcher from APAC Labs removing old varnish from an icon (right)  

The Andreas Pittas Art Characterization Laboratories (APAC Labs) of the Cyprus Institute are working together with the Conservation Laboratory of the Museum of Kykkos Monastery towards the multi-disciplinary study of selected icons dating from the late Medieval period. Specifically, APAC Labs experts and students participate in the study of Cypriot icons from the late 16th century, while engaging in conservation training sessions concentrating in the technique and the materiality of Byzantine and post-Byzantine art from Cyprus. 

The 16th century icons are painted in the so-called ‘Italo-Byzantine’ style, which features a unique blend of stylistic and iconographic influences from both Byzantine and Western European art. The stylistic hybridity of the art of the period in Cyprus reflects the cultural and artistic exchanges and interconnections of the time. The systematic digital documentation and scientific analysis of these icons aim at shedding light into the pigment materials and the artistic techniques used by painters during this period.

The training activities undertaken in collaboration and under the supervision of the Conservation Laboratory of the Museum of the Kykkos Monastery and its Conservation Laboratory incorporate techniques in the creation of icons with the use of traditional methods and materials. Moreover, young researchers are trained in every step of the conservation process, from removing layers of aged varnish to cleaning and retouching damaged portions of the painted compositions. Through this series of training sessions, we aim to deepen our understanding of icons as an important part of Cypriot cultural heritage. This will enable us to contribute more efficiently to the research, documentation, and preservation of these works of art.

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