A Call to Action: How Culture Can Address Climate and Ecological Emergency

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Culture Declares Emergency, founded in 2019, is an initiative aiming to effect change, express truth and community care within the art and culture sectors bringing forth strong actions against climate change and ecological challenges.

The movement launched by declaring a climate and ecological emergency and continues with the development of a comprehensive plan to address the issue.  To acheive this Culture Declares created a toolkit to develop effective policies and action plans to address the climate crisis for cultural heritage, art and design professionals and institutions.

The approach follows a three-pillar framework: Truth-telling



The toolkit aims to empower organisations to take actionable and concrete steps on sustainability through deeper reflection on responsibility and policy development to limit harm and impact anticipation.

The Culture Takes Action toolkit addresses the emergency with a structured method guiding users through a three-stage process:

  • Declare and Prepare: helping organisations understand the crisis and communicate its urgency.

  • Plan Your Pathway to Action: inspiring users to have a new outlook a review of their practices, community-building and relationships, long-term mission and vision that align with the three pillars.

  • Reflect and Communicate: looking back on the process and progress involving communication plans and achievement documentation.

Users can access resources, such as task lists, inspirational content and support from the Culture Declares community and allied groups while they apply the toolkit. Moreover, the organisation provides workshops on the process and offers expertise.

Culture Declares Emergency engages with local communities in a variety of ways:

  • Local Hubs: promoting the creation of local hubs as focal points fostering community engagement through events and initiatives specific to each place and their needs.

  • Sector-Specific Groups: supporting the sector-specific group creation such as Heritage Declares, UK Architects Declare, and Tourism Declares etc. with their members connected to create specialised actions within the overall movement.

  • Working Groups: members from different regions contributing their skills and backgrounds to creating actions, events, fundraising, communication and

  • As well as several other initiatives newsletters, social media campgains and more.

Our Take

Crosssectoral collaboration and communication with organisations and individuals worldwide Culture Declares forms a curation and movement of initiatives and movements. With their influence breaching the sector’s boundaries and contributing to the international dialogue on climate change and environmental crisis.

The movement is committed to the three pillars of truth-telling, care-taking, and change-making while it grows and utilises the innate power of art and culture to inspire sustainability and global transformation through Culture Declares Emergency.

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Culture Declares Emergency

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