Bad Ancient is The fact-checking place of the ancient world online! Started by Dr Owen Rees to mark untruthful posts online as #badancient, as well, grew into a website co-run by Josho Brouwers, and an incredible team of passionate experts ready to take down internet misinformation on all things ancient.
The world, online and offline, always blasts information about the ancient world for uses other than historical education, as convincing or selling things by misleading us with historical falsehoods. Bad Ancient is on the case! They examine and verify claims about the ancient world and provide a resolution as ” true, false, or somewhere in between” and unproven.
“It is a fundamental belief here that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.”
Bad Ancient, beyond the seek and destroy (sic) misinformation Twitter mission (honestly- one of our favourite Twitter accounts- ever) offers to fact-check claims people come across. All you need to do is provide references and fill out the online contact form.
On the website, you can find several Claims (article format) they have encountered that are great reads! (with Rating, Explanation and References)
**You can search claims by the ratings as well**
Our pick: Did the Spartans throw babies down mountains?
Our take
Bad Ancient is a necessary part of the internet, run by passionate individuals who voluntarily do us a remarkable service by calling out the falsehoods and often absurd claims about history that go around the internet and media. Simultaneously humorous approach while delivering detailed explanations and references. Their work is fantastic, absolutely worth following and reading and, if you can, supporting!
Let us know in the comments if you would like to read an interview with Bad Ancient![we have several topics in mind like games, AI and more]
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