Curated Reading List: August 2021

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Your curated reading list is out! August was loaded with appealing concepts, new digital applications and news-good and bad-; many of which we could not cover in our pieces. Have a look:

Rethinking The Language We Use to Describe What We Do. Read article here.

Why should museums invest in digital condition reporting?. Read article here.

Museums and galleries cannot afford to ignore cybersecurity if they want to consolidate the success of their digital pivot. Read article here.

New Art Fund platform aims to connect tourists with nearby museums and galleries. Read article here.

JR unveils ‘X-ray’ optical illusion piece on historic Palazzo Farnese in Rome. Read article here.

Review | An important project somewhat marred by its execution: the Corning Museum’s VR recreation of a lost glass drawing room in a London palace. Read article here.

City of York Council opens up ‘incredibly rich heritage’ to online audiences. Read article here.

“We are a small museum, but we have big aspirations”: Brunel Museum makes sustainability pledge. Read article here.

Opening the Ancient World A Virtual Conference. Watch here.

ICOMOS’ Statement of concern regarding interventions at the Acropolis, Athens. Read article here.

Statement concerning the situation facing cultural heritage in Afghanistan. Read article here.

2,400-Year-Old Baskets Still Filled With Fruit Found in Submerged Egyptian City. Read article here.

Rare Boundary Stone Dated to Emperor Claudius’ Reign Unearthed in Rome. Read article here.

Austrian Museum Won’t Loan Famed Headdress to Mexico: Report. Read article here.

We are considering launching a live discussion of the reading list every month, with open participation. Comment to let us know if you want to join!

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