European Days of Conservation-Restoration 2022

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European Days of Conservation-Restoration 2022, running 10-16 October 2022, from the European Confederation of Conservator-Restorers Organisations, with six themes inviting professionals to share with the public on social media.

Monday, 10th October

Sharing an institution, Educational Centre, Lab-Science in Conservation-Restoration

Tuesday, 11th October

Paying tribute to Conservator-Restorers

Wednesday, 12th October

Sharing Good Practices: Conservation-Restoration treatments of movable Heritage

Thursday, 13th October

Sharing Good Practices: Conservation-Restoration treatments of immovable Heritage

Friday, 14th October

Heritage at risk: Preservation of tangible cultural heritage in the view of Climate Change

Saturday, 15th October

Interdisciplinarity in Conservation-Restoration: Sustainability, Cooperation & Networking

Sunday, 16th October

European Day of Conservation-Restoration

Participate using the hashtags and download the posters:

  • #EuropeanDayConservationRestoration
  • #EuropeanDaysConservationRestoration
  • #ECCOCommunity

Our take

European Days of Conservation-Restoration is a great event for cultural professionals to share practises and recognition of conservation. The event is recurring every year with participants from all over Europe. The event helps the exchange between a network of professionals and allows the public to get an insight into the fundamentals of conservation and restoration works.

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European Days of Conservation-Restoration 2022

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