Renewing museum meanings and action with intangible cultural heritage

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Renewing museum meanings and action with intangible cultural heritage is an article from Michelle L. Stefano published in the 17th volume of the International Journal of Intangible Heritage. Examining intangible cultural heritage’s value in museum work following the new museum definition by ICOM.

Our key takeaways:

Intangible heritage is living heritage offering opportunities to reimagine museum approaches with community engagement and promote inclusivity

Recontextulise heritage through decolonisation and community participation

Representation of the diversity of people

Intangible cultural heritage keepers curating and steering museum programming

Employment of indigenous professionals

Programs for traditional knowledge and expressions

Exhibitions and activities outside the museum environment collaborating with the local community

Engagement with audiences where they are

Partnership and support of community-based heritage organisations

Our take

Renewing museum meanings and actions with intangible cultural heritage is an excellent article capturing the meaning of intangible heritage inclusion in museums. Intangible heritage is contemporary heritage as it encapsulates communities’ values, therfore bolstering diversity and inclusivity. Within its nature community participation is vital in the museum environment enhancing its functions and altering its purpose to serve the community. We recommend reading the article and discussing with us what is the meaning of intangible heritage in the museum for you


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Renewing museum meanings and action with intangible cultural heritage

International Journal of Intangible Heritage vol. 17

The 17th volume of the International Journal of Intangible Heritage has been published online.

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