The Potential of Heritage in the Digital Realm by ICCROM

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ICCROM launched The Potential of Heritage in the Digital Realm programme on 18 July 2022: the recording is available here.

Digital heritage and data grow rapidly in recent years, making necessary the formation of tools for its sustainability. Digital heritage could be virtual scans of heritage or digitally created content; its preservation is a new domain relying heavily on the accessibility of digital data.

The programme Sustaining Digital Heritage (SDH)  is dedicated to digital heritage and the financial and competitive sustainability of cultural heritage organisations in this sector. Providing help to professionals with ” real-life experiences” for open access approaches and developing tools and knowledge to overcome challenges.

The programme focuses on the model of the Digital Imperative Project; where communities and users are equal stakeholders. The SDH engages organisations as “learning partners” creating case studies for the model. The event introduced a “self-diagnostic tool – “The Sustainability Test” and featured the programme structure and success stories.

Our take

The SDH programme is a valuable resource for professionals working in digital heritage management and sets the stage for policy-makers to follow. This initiative helps continue the standardisation of digital heritage practices beyond digitisation and includes participatory approaches. We strongly recommend watching the recording and hope to see more from SDH!

I want to learn more:

The Potential of Heritage in the Digital Realm

Digital Imperative Project

Digital preservation


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