A Story of Change 2: “Transforming Online Learning into Action for Disaster Risk Management of Heritage Collections”, is a publication by ICCROM with a collection of the outcomes of the “International Course on Rethinking Disaster Risk Management for Cultural Heritage Collections”. Features projects undertaken by participants in 12 countries reducing disaster risk in their organisations. Main outcomes:
- “Enhanced flood mitigation measures in museums in Argentina, the Philippines, Nigeria and Pakistan, as well as archives in Malawi and Vietnam;
- Improved fire-related disaster risk mitigation in museums in Argentina, India, Nigeria, Nepal, Iran, Indonesia; a World Heritage City in Malaysia; and archives in Malawi and Vietnam;
- Community-based disaster risk management in a World Heritage Site in Iran and a World Heritage City in Malaysia.”
The participating organisations performed an in-depth disaster risk assessment and created a disaster risk management plan specific to their needs.
Following A Story of Change 1:” Success Stories and Lessons Learnt from the Culture Cannot Wait: Heritage for Peace and Resilience”, with the stories of participants.
Disaster risk management is vital for the protection of cultural heritage. Given the effects of climate change with fires, flooding and rising temperatures, it is imperative for heritage institutions to keep up to date. A story of change directly responds to this need as, beyond the workshops, sets diverse scenarios that could influence other organisations in their disaster risk assessment.
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