Author: athina
Take our annual survey! Year 4
We want your feedback so we can continue to provide our services! Just take a few minutes to fill out our 2-minute survey and tell us what you think! Whether you have a compliment, complaint, or just want to share your opinion, we want to hear from you! Please comment below with your feedback so…
Happy Birthday Local Approach! Celebrating 4 years!
image by freepik Our passion for Local Approach has brought us this far, and we strive to continue developing and learning together. Thank you for supporting Local Approach! With 384 posts over the last four years, three books and a fourth in the works, we work with APAC, VENIS STUDIOS and are part with the…
Talk: Beyond the Museum: exploring tangential careers in the cultural sector
Beyond the Museum: exploring tangential careers in the cultural sector is a free online event on July 24, 2024, by the ICOM UK Students and Emerging Professional (ICOM UK S&EP) working group featuring Emily Primmer-Pyke (Cultural communications professional and freelance podcast producer based in London). This event aims to inspire students and young professionals passionate…
Degradation Dynamics of Portable Icons: Natural and External Influences
Portable icons, due to their distinctive construction, are susceptible to degradation from various factors related to exposure, handling, storage, and other conditions. This article provides a concise examination of the “natural causes” and “external factors” that contribute to their deterioration, aiming to enhance the understanding of these causes and promote better preservation practices. I. Natural…
Curated Reading List: June 2024
Summer is coming in hot! While you plan your summer do not forget wonderful cultural destinations, and circular tourism! June had a lot to offer especially on the events side, here are our picks: News 2024 Winners of Europe’s top heritage awards announced by the European Commission and Europa Nostra On The Brink: Heritage in…
The Human Library’s Quest for Dialogue and Understanding
The Human Library Organisation is a global learning platform located in Copenhagen, Denmark and operating in more than 80 countries. Embedded in schools, colleges, medical training, and civic engagement to develop a better understanding of diversity and inspire more inclusive and cohesive communities across national, cultural, religious, and ethnic borders. The Human Library challenges prejudice…
Museum Learning Summit 2024
The Museum Learning Summit 2024 is a global gathering for professionals in the museum field, it takes place on July 16-17, 2024 as a virtual conference. The summit’s focus is on innovative museum practices, best practices sharing, and discussing lessons learned. The goal is to explore the latest practices transforming museum learning and provide delegates…
APAC Labs Document the Studio of Artists Elina Ioannou and Yiannis Yiannis
© APAC The artist Elina Ioannou at work in her studio, Pyrgos, CY In collaboration with the Andreas Pittas Art Characterization Laboratories (APAC Labs) of The Cyprus Institute, artists Elina Ioannou and Yiannis Yianni opened their studio for an immersive and interdisciplinary artist tour on Saturday. The exclusive event was part of APAC Labs’…
Cultural Inquiry: Empowering Culture and Young Minds
Cultural Inquiry is an organisation committed to bridging cultural divides and fostering mutual understanding. Children are at the centre of Cultural Inquiry’s efforts with a multifaceted approach that includes education programs, community engagement projects, and research that delves into cultural interactions. © Jose Antonio Gordillo Martorell Children’s Board Brainstorming session after onsite visit. Parque de…
The Science and Art of Conservation and Restoration
A Critical Examination of Overpainting in Icons and Paintings ©VENIS STUDIOS Overpainting or repainting, observed in historically painted artworks, particularly in portable icons and less commonly in painting panels, represents arbitrary interventions pursued solely for aesthetic motives. Notably, icons, owing to their prevalent use in religious contexts, are prone to various forms of deterioration and…