Curated Reading List: June 2022

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June was filled with interesting content from all aspects of art and cultural heritage, find our picks of topics!


Keeping up with the (online) times 

Can this ‘anti-Instagram’ app make the art world more real? 

RTI for documenting ceramic sherds

Virtual reality brings convenience and practicality to art—but it is more than just a gimmick 

Music and the museum – how can exhibits inspire musical creativity? 

Storytelling project based on northern folklore saw artists from Scotland and Europe showcasing their work in Inverness 

How is Citizen Science being used by museums?

Curating for Change 

How to use Creativity to Promote Staff Wellbeing 


12 new European Heritage Label sites receive awards 

Historic England celebrates success of its first 10 Heritage Action Zones 

Multi-million Euro partnership for culture and creativity launched: EIT Culture & Creativity 

Egyptian antiquities connected to international trafficking ring seized from Metropolitan Museum in New York 

Le British Museum ouvert à un accord avec la Grèce pour partager les marbres du Parthénon  

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