Your Curated Reading List for March is out along with spring and the easter bunny. The topics this month were very diverse, the discussion for the museum of care puts forth some interesting ideas, the Antikythera Mechanism is back in archaeological ‘fashion’ with a very new model and much more below.
Pandemic anniversary: the things museums should learn from our plague year. Read the article here.
An Online Museum Shows Life During Wartime. Read the article here.
Discussion: The Museum of Care: under construction! Nika Dubrovsky and David Graeber. Read the paper and discussion here. (also pdf attached)
Musée Rodin could be forced to release 3D scans of bronze sculptures—including The Thinker—to the public. Read the article here.
New Deepfake AI Tool Brings Any Photo To Life And People Are Having Lots Of Fun With It (15 Examples). Read the article here.
A Model of the Cosmos in the ancient Greek Antikythera Mechanism by Tony Freeth, David Higgon, Aris Dacanalis, Lindsay MacDonald, Myrto Georgakopoulou & Adam Wojcik. Read the paper here.
France to return Klimt painting, which hangs in the Musée d’Orsay, to heirs of Viennese Jewish owner. Read the article here.
Social Media Strategy by Google Digital Garage, free live training. Register here.
We feel some of these articles and papers are worth looking further into, let us know if you would like to learn more about them. See you all in April!
Ps: “just shower thoughts” doesn’t the Deepfake AI make you feel like you are looking at the magic photos/newspapers from Harry Potter?