“Hybrid Museum Experiences, Theory and Design” is a publication by the Amsterdam University Press, edited by Annika Waern and Anders Løvlie. It details a 3-year cross-disciplinary research project in which artists, design researchers, and museum professionals collaborated to develop technology-mediated museum experiences.
Technology can augment, expand, or alter the physical through hybrid museum experiences. Experienced, by design, near the physical space and exhibit. The book explores three types of hybridity in museum experiences:
- The physical and the digital
- The personal and the social
- The museum and the visitor
The tools and information presented within the book were developed as part of the EU-funded research project GIFT, which involves artists, designers, curators, museum educators, computer scientists, and many museums worldwide!
The book offers:
- Concepts
- Case studies
- Crafts: presents tools and methods for working with hybrid museum experiences and discusses how to create hybrid museum experiences.
- Coda: focuses on the critical aspects of hybridity, discussing the benefits and risks of hybrid museum experiences. How technology can revitalise, reframe, or, at times, entirely restage a museum’s experience and how this can act both as a challenge and as an opportunity for museums to reinvent themselves.
***We opt not to summarise the contents as the Introduction section offers an excellent summary of all contents and chapters.***
Our take
“Hybrid Museum Experiences, Theory and Design” is an exceptional publication covering all aspects of the hybrid museum experience, both with a robust conceptual framework and practical examples. Our favourite part is that the book raises questions on the ideas of museology, curation, presentation and, of course the role and definition of the museum within the hybrid environment.
I want to learn more:
Download: Hybrid Museum Experiences