Safe Reopening during Covid-19; EU guidelines

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The European Union released on Tuesday, 29 June, their guidelines for the safe reopening of cultural events during the pandemic.

The document offers criteria to States from a local to national level that address their COVID-19 restrictions.  Moreover, “Actions to support the sustainable recovery of the cultural sectors” with tools developed by the EU as:

European Tourism COVID-19 safety seal

EU digital COVID certificate

Re-open EU web-platform

Cultural gems map

Beyond the EU-developed tools, the document proposes practices to cultural agencies to help continue operations during the pandemic, as well as tons of references.

I want to learn more:

Communication on EU guidelines for the safe resumption of activities in the cultural and creative sectors – COVID-19 (23 languages)

Commission proposes coordinated measures for the safe reopening of the cultural and creative sectors

EU publishes guidelines for safe reopening of cultural and creative sectors

Artists & Creatives COVID-19 Recovery Resource Platform

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