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Allowing us to create more or even different types of content and recognising our continuous effort for heritage promotion accessible to all!


Local Approach aims to foster support for local communities and professionals to realise the full potential of their cultural heritage.

Our actions demonstrate this with services and a growing collection of free-to-access articles on all aspects of heritage management. As well as, annual publications with a curated and careful presentation of our content.
All our content is in lay English, trying to limit reading time to 1-minute.

While the presentation and format are simple, the research, editing and writing take a lot of effort, from days to weeks, with all the design, publishing and this website even being made in-house.


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tips are also appreciated 


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Let’s talk about your heritage!


Introduction to discuss on discord your needs for a plan to manage your or your community’s heritage asset.

Help me plan


We offer to discuss your heritage needs and create a short proposal based on preliminary research for the management plan.

Research me this


Do you have a project on art, culture or heritage? Do you need help?
We can do the research according to your needs!

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© Local Approach 2023