Vote for Local Approach! Prix Innovation 2022

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UPDATE 30/06: WE WON! 

Local Approach’s application for the Prix Innovation 2022 was accepted! 

We count on your vote to support our project! Let’s bring more visibility to local heritage management!

VOTE NOW here!

To vote you have to register and create an account and then scroll down to vote for your favourite project! Voting closes 26 June 2022!

Prix Coup de Coeur du Public (People’s Choice Award) supports start ups in cultural innovation! The C&M Innovation Prize is an event organized by Culture et Management in partnership with the Ministry of Culture, as part of the Forum Entreprendre dans la Culture.

Local Approach, is one of the 18 projects accepted; under the category Engagement responsable (Responsible Engagement), were the public gets to vote their favourite project!

We count on you to help Local Approach!

Please take a moment to share the prize and our candidature with the world in your social media of choice!

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