Conference against the trafficking of cultural property at the Louvre

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Conference to strengthen European cooperation against the trafficking of cultural property will take place online 1st February 2022 through the Musée du Louvre to define proposals to be submitted to the EU and practical applications and digital methods.

Topics will include:

  • New technologies for tracking fraudulent works of art
  • Databanks development between states
  • Public education against looting and illicit trafficking of antiquities
  • Exhibitions of reclaimed pieces across Europe

The meeting will attend Interpol, UNESCO, ALIPH, NGO’s and public authorities from several European countries.

I want to learn more:

Louvre hosts major international conference to fight trafficking of cultural goods 

Conference to strengthen European cooperation against the trafficking of cultural 


Conférence pour le renforcement de la coopération européenne contre le trafic de biens culturels (1er février 2022)

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