Conference: RESCUE The Protection of Heritage in Time of Conflict

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Rescue: The British Archaeology Trust offered a meeting on cultural heritage protection in 2022, now available online on YouTube, incited by the war in Ukraine. The conference emphasises the immediate need for heritage protection during conflict and the aftermath, including antiquities and illicit trade.

You can access the full conference or select individual talks from experts worldwide through the dedicated page on the Rescue website. Such as:

  • Peter Stone: Protecting heritage in armed conflict: the work of the Blue Shield

Sophie Vigneron: Science and Conflict

  • Rebecca Hawkes-Reynolds: The legal framework for protecting cultural heritage
  • Pavlo Shydlovskyi: Ukrainian Archaeological Heritage Under Threat of Russian Aggression
  • Adnan Almohamad: The Role of Local Communities in Protecting Cultural Heritage During the War – evidences from NW Syria
  • Tim Le Berre: The challenge of the Military Protection of Cultural Property
  • Gai Jorayev: What Documenting Destruction of Ukrainian Heritage tells us

Antiquities and illicit trade

  • Samuel Andrew Hardy: Why is the market full of loot and what can be done
  • Mark Harrison: Using the Future to Protect our Past
  • Barbora Dmitricenko: The Internet and antiquities trafficking

Rescue is a charitable trust independent of the government, working with participative financing through its members. Rescue focuses on advocacy for heritage under threat offering conferences, News 3-times a year and more.

Our Take

Rescue offers publications, policies and several resources on the subject of caring for the historic environment in a time of great need. The conference thoroughly covers the contemporary scene and practices to protect heritage in conflict and the surrounding context.

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Watch the conference:

The Protection of Heritage in Time of Conflict

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