Author: athina
Curated Reading List: May 2021
Your Curated Reading List for May is out, we hope your allergies are out with it. Seriously 2021 has zoomed by -pun intended- but we are glad to see that even through the pandemic cultural actions and innovations do not falter Here is our selection of articles and resources we found throughout the month: ICOMOS-…
Shaping cultural landscape identity: a new method
Cultural landscape identity does not always reflect all the values, emotions and individuals part of a place. Its formulation depends principally on the agency forming and communicating its values, methodology and typology of heritage. A recent paper from Brazil proposes an alternative approach to mapping intangible values associated with a place, transforming a landscape’s story…
Storytelling- a communications must
Storytelling is a powerful communication tool; cultural heritage comes with its own stories, our stories. The article “7 digital storytelling tips for the cultural heritage sector” includes advice for writing compelling and engaging stories. Instead of writing our piece, we share this article as an addition to our Communication Plan to emphasise the importance of…
Access the updated Reopening Recommendation guidance for cultural sites
Ready for Museum Day? No? Well, here are some recommendations on how to reopen safely for staff and visitors by EMBED, the Disability Collaborative Network and the University of East Anglia. ” We are working on the basis that everyone has a right to access life – and that access to museums, theatres and music…
Cultural Heritage Metadata
Quality metadata are a vital resource for cultural heritage, as they improve digitisation, research and access to information. Developments in the A.I. field accelerated data gathering, the collected data are beneficial to the enrichment of information by creating accurate labels and minimise biases. Concerns The proper collection and availability of metadata concern all fields; no…
European Heritage Label
The European Union created the European Heritage Label in 2013 to promote and protect sites with symbolic European value by recognising them with the label. Unlike the world heritage list, the European Heritage Label sites hold values that form the narrative and spirit of the EU and its citizens, as well as host educational and…
Cultural heritage and sustainability: Rapa Nui case study
The role of culture in sustainable communities: the case of Rapa Nui (Easter Island, Chile); this recent case study of Rapa Nui Easter island informs how cultural heritage impacts the understanding of sustainability. Rapa Nui is a tiny island (yes, that Easter island you have seen all over the internet) with a recent extreme rise…
Cultural heritage and sustainability: Rapa Nui case study
The role of culture in sustainable communities: the case of Rapa Nui (Easter Island, Chile); this recent case study of Rapa Nui Easter island informs how cultural heritage impacts the understanding of sustainability. Rapa Nui is a tiny island (yes, that Easter island you have seen all over the internet) with a recent extreme rise…
Curated Reading List: April 2021
Your Curated Reading List for April is here, tons of interesting stuff took place this month from articles, to webinars, to conferences and more, so we tried to just share with you only our favourites- and they are still tons-! Museums and New Business Models. Read article here Where do museums fit in the ever-shifting…
Astronomical heritage
Astronomical heritage is any heritage linked to the night skies. Astronomy is a fundamental element of human history, evolution and society. During the last decade, there is an increase in efforts to recognise, preserve and promote astronomical cultural heritage, especially in policy development. This category is broad and concerns tangible, intangible and documentary heritage items…