Author: athina
Marketing outline; essential for heritage management
Marketing is at the core of the business and management strategy. Marketing strategy is not a secondary step covering promotional, branding and communication; but rather the foundation of the overall strategy of a heritage site or museum. Small cultural organisations and employees regard marketing strategy and tactics as a complementary tool to their service, though,…
Curated Reading List: November 2020
Your Curated Reading List for November is out! You will see below our selection of articles we found truly interesting and you might enjoy too : The Impact of Teen-Centered Intensive Programming in Museums; Read article here. New York state sues Sotheby’s for allegedly helping collector evade tax on $27m of art; Read article here. …
REMPART: a new spin on the meaning of workcamp
REMPART is an association in France of volunteers, preserving local heritage sites. Since 1966, they have formed over 180 local associations that care for their local heritage with volunteer workcamps with 800 sites restored so far. How does it work? Volunteers join a workcamp for approximately two weeks. The camps are open to anyone who…
Natural Heritage: more than just trees
November 18 was #AskAConservator day with countless posts and stories around conservation shared online! We’ve talked about the general principles of conservation and preservation as well as how you can take action by listing historic buildings. But what about the natural landscape? Natural landscapes such as mountains, forests, national parks, are often listed as protected…
Learn about ancient Egypt today, for free!
University of Pennsylvania offers Wonders of Ancient Egypt, an online course offering information on all the fascinating aspects of Egypt of the past. During the second wave of the pandemic we start to run out of things to do, and let’s face it no new TV-series are coming out soon. So why not learn something…
List your Historic Buildings!
Governments and state agencies protect historic buildings or sites through legislation. Law does not automatically protect an old or historic building each state has a list of protected assets based on criteria. So who and how they decide if a building is important? The requirements differ from country to country as well as the process…
Virtual Heritage: what now?
Rethinking the museum environment and the cultural heritage experience is one of the themes highly discussed during 2020. Before dwelling on the philosophical aspects of an organisation, museum and cultural industry players ought to ensure they have utilised all available technologies such as Virtual Heritage. Our articles on digitisation and access to heritage briefly introduce…
The International Journal of Intangible Heritage
The International Journal of Intangible Heritage consists of articles on intangible heritage from all over the world in English! The journal is an excellent resource to find benchmarks as well as publish work on an intangible heritage project. We follow actively the journal’s publications and both the projects and presentation are always very enjoyable and…
Finding, history: Underwater Heritage
Maritime Archaeology is a subfield of archaeology responsible for underwater heritage. Frequently associated with shipwrecks, maritime archaeology follows traces of human development and interaction in and around water, including submerged cities and nautical archaeology. Underwater heritage follows the same principals with tangible heritage. Maritime archaeological practices are adapted to the aquatic environment using satellites, geomagnetism,…
Curated Reading List: October 2020
Your curated reading list for October 2020! Below you will find articles and webinars we enjoyed this past month and we hope you do too! Space race: how the pandemic is pushing museums to rethink design; Read article here. Google Maps’ AR directions will soon show landmarks to help orient you; Read article here. I…