Author: athina
PERICLES maritime heritage, map and policy.
PERICLES is a coastal and maritime heritage project around Europe running from 2018 until this spring. Since the project nears its end, we thought it would be beneficial to see what they achieved. What PERICLES, at its core, is a participatory heritage management initiative, meaning that the processes of research, policy, implementation, etc., derive from…
Fundraising, how-to guide 2: Virtual fundraising events, an introduction
Virtual fundraising events are an effective practice for communication and, of course, fundraising. Virtual events follow the same guiding principles and tactics of fundraising but differ in format and execution. Before proceeding to this article, we recommend you refresh your memory on the topic with our ‘Fundraising, how-to guide. ‘ Virtual events are a popular…
Cultural Heritage in Action: communities working together
Local and regional policymakers in Europe meet and share their cultural heritage practices within Cultural Heritage in Action. Together they aim to achieve participatory governance, adaptive re-use of heritage buildings and quality interventions. With “Peer-learning”, 12 European cities host online and on-site visits in two instalments, sharing their work and learning together as part of…
PatriActívate: Peru’s heritage gaming app
PatriActívate is a heritage videogame application. The application is educational available and free to play on mobile or desktop. The Ministry of Culture of Peru launched this game to help Peruvians stay engaged and connected with their heritage during the Pandemic. What is it? The game is short with a layout similar to a board…
Participatory mapping in heritage
Participatory mapping means creating a map representing the community’s relationship within the natural landscape surrounding a cultural heritage site or object. The contents usually describe significant resources and values of the area. The community holds ownership of said map and its contents as well as its advocacy. Community participation in research and management of cultural…
An ICOMOS walkthrough your project: European Quality Principles for EU-funded Interventions with potential impact upon Cultural Heritage
The new version of “European Quality Principles for EU-funded Interventions with potential impact upon Cultural Heritage” by ICOMOS serves as a guide to all people involved in a heritage project within the EU. The document effectively walks you through the research, design of a cultural project and its presentation in proposals. These recommendations are especially…
Curated Reading List: February 2021
Keep calm and carry on, February is almost gone! Your Curated Reading List for February is out! We loved all the topics this month we cannot pick a favourite, how about you? I’ll Tell You What I Want, What I Really, Really Want! Open Archaeology that Is Collaborative, Participatory, Public, and Feminist by Rachael Kiddey.…
Documentary heritage: an overview
Documentary heritage is a category of cultural heritage with tangible and intangible, physical attributes of an item that constitute its distinction. …A brief reminder Tangible heritage describes physical objects or sites. Intangible describes immaterial values transmitted through speech, song, traditions…. Documentary heritage can be both tangible and intangible under this category are items containing information…
Museum COVID-19 safety recommendations by ICOM
ICOM (International Council of Museums) shared their recommendations for safe visits to museums at the end of lockdown. The recommendation includes basic safety rules and procedures for visitors and employees! Let’s keep the museum environment safe and accessible!
From Twitter Images to 3D reconstructions of cultural heritage
Social media images can help create 3D reconstructions of cultural heritage. Social media, specifically Twitter, are digital repositories of images key to preservation efforts of monuments. Much like museums, visitors use Twitter and share photos of artefacts and monuments they encounter actively promoting them. In this instance, promotion can serve as preservation. Today we discuss…