Author: athina
Greek Paths of Culture: help trace your ancestors steps
People have been walking Greek land for thousands of years when you visit you see several ancient temples and heritage, but our connection to them is not always evident. Greek Paths of Culture is an initiative to restore footpaths across Greece having so far more than 658 km. These footpaths, hiking trails and bicycle routes…
Place or Space: The site and the great outdoors
Place and Space are two words that sound similar to each other. Their definitions differ in cultural heritage management. In our article DIY Values Analysis, we touch upon the subject, today we will delve into the context. “Place means a geographically defined area. It may include elements, objects, spaces and views. Place may have tangible…
Corporate Museum: Corporate philanthropy for heritage
Corporate philanthropy is a powerful strategy for cultural management. The popular definition of cultural and corporate activities holds them opposed this is far from the truth, however. There are two models of corporate philanthropy: Corporate sponsorship of cultural or charitable activities Cultural institutions legally established as corporations, instead of non-for-profit Both models use similar tools…
International Course on Rethinking Disaster Risk Management for Cultural Heritage Collections
New course from ICCROM (International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property ) on Disaster Risk Management, starting 7 December 2020. This year demonstrated to museums worldwide the fragility of collections and the lack of local professionals who can protect them. International heritage experts recommend that museum policy is strengthened…
Protect local tradition: Tramontana Network
Small mountain and rural communities have their traditions, festivals and practices passing down from one generation to the next. Our contemporary life poses a threat to cultural continuity as it once was. Tramontana is an effort to document, protect and share local heritage with partners across Europe. Local communities work closely with the project that…
OpenHeritage: strengthen economy and local culture with your heritage
OpenHeritage initiative features a combination of best practices and inclusive management of heritage throughout Europe. The project reuses and places in the centre all kinds of heritage as a means of economic and social growth. Heritage sites and assets often are viewed as hard to manage and care for by government and local agencies,…
Curating: a viewer’s perspective
Creating an exhibition means curating meaning. Curating is all about identifying connections between any given objects that could create dialogues with the viewer. The majority of institutions/ organisations in the world invest in having a curator or curatorial team, that focus on creating displays for a targeted audience in order to attract and engage with…
Learn to Teach about cultural heritage!
If you are a heritage educator or want to find benchmarks for cultural actions your community can implement, follow ICOM International Committee for Education and Cultural Action. The Committee is a platform for museum educators to share their work, take action to modify policy and be part of the worldwide museum community. Through their website…
Business Plan for the Cavafy Project Centre
Business Plan for the Cavafy Project Centre aims to renew the Cavafy House-Museum into a cultural centre. The Museum today The Museum is in Alexandria, Egypt, the former home of poet Constantine Petrou Cavafy (C.P. Cavafy), run by the Hellenic Foundation for Culture (HFC). Cavafy spent the last 35 years of his life in this…
Heritage Schools: teach history with your heritage
Heritage Schools is an educational initiative that enhances history teaching through local heritage. The program trains teachers on how to incorporate local history through cultural heritage with a multitude of activities in the existing curricula. The project has seen great success and yields impressive results on cultural awareness among teachers and children alike, capacity building…